Thursday, June 13, 2013

To bloom or not to bloom, that is the question.

Like Martin Luther King, I have a dream. But mine is a lot more selfish than his was. I have spent so much of my life in libraries and bookshops that my little dream is one day seeing my book printed and bound and taking up space on a shelf next to other books.
It was a dream that seemed unattainable before I actually wrote the damn book. But now it's done, I feel I'm on, at most, the first rung of the ladder.
Now comes the hard part, getting someone else to believe in your little tale as much as you do. I've gotten some rejections, and while they ain't been pretty I expected it and am hardening myself to the idea that I am, no doubt, going to get more but I just have to keep trying.
And that's what I was doing, scoping about and seeing who is out there that I have yet to annoy with my "If immortality was a fundamental part of your being, how far would you go to achieve it?" tag line.
That is when I came across this on the website.

It sounds great. It sounds awesome. It sounds *insert another positive adjective here*
But, see, that's my life. Most everything that every sounded great and awesome turned out to be disasters. (I get screwed over. A lot. I must have one of those faces. I'm beginning to deal with it.) I am weary of anything and everything that sounds remotely like a dream come true, (and believe me, being published by the publishers than gave us Harry Potter would be a dream come true for me.)
So now I have a conundrum, should I submit my novel? It does fit all the criteria. Or should I keep going the route I am going with submitting to agents and getting knocked back?
But then again, aren't I being very pretentious, worrying if I should submit when the real question is "would they even publish me?"
That's the thing with authors, we are a little self revolving. It comes from living in our own heads so much. That's our real world. Outside that, that's the fantasy.

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