Saturday, July 6, 2013

Beautiful Creatures (2013)

Finally, I've been able to watch this film. Despite it being released on the 17th of June, I was unable to find it anywhere. I was really surprised, I've never had difficultly finding a new release DVD before. It just re-awoke my grief for the loss of HMV.

Eventually though, I found it. The bottom row, on a single shelf  that could only hold three DVD's, in Golden Disc's. This did not endear me to believe that this will be an enjoyable film. In my experience, the harder the film is to find, the more likely it is that it wasn't worth the search. But I enjoyed the book, and the cinematography in the trailers did make me think it was worth the effort.

I'm glad to say I was right. It was worth it. I especially loved the end. I won't give anything away for those who've not yet seen it, but it veers from the book, and while I think hard-core fans will be annoyed by that, I couldn't help but admire the attempt to add some intrigue. I liked that the writer/director twisted it for those of us who have read the book, and gave us that final 'oh no, this isn't going to end well. It's got to end well. Please, end well' heart skipping a beat moment.

I loved the two leads, Lena was less whiny. Ethan less high and mighty. Ripley, more believable as a siren than she is in the books. In the books she was a caricature of the 'slutty blonde.' (It's a label I am loathe to give, but that's the only way I can describe her.)

The only thing I had issue with is the Genevieve/Ethan flashback scene. Don't get me wrong, it works well and is in keeping with the story, but I had loved their story in the book so that was a *gasp* 'what are they doing this for?' moment.

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