Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome 2014

A New Year, a new set of resolutions broken. Actually, no, strike that. No more resolutions. I got too tired of breaking them that I no longer start them. I think it's for the best.
I got my annual report from wordpress regarding my old blog. Apparently my writing has 'staying power.' Who knew? I sure didn't. I was surprised to see the report as I've not used that blog in years.
I miss it though. I miss those years. Granted, I was grossly unhappy and was in the midst of grieving for my brother. But I had Harry Potter and the fandom and that was deadly. And slightly embarrassing as I look back a see a lot was Harry related.
Crazy to look back. Look back and see what I achieved, what I didn't achieve, and what I no longer want to achieve.
I wonder what, in a few years, I make of this blog. It'll probably be 'Jeez! Did I ever use the damn thing?'
Truth be known, no offence Blogger (actually lots of offence, you're crap!) Wordpress was just better. My browse supported it, for starters. And layouts where easier to adapt for my own preference. Damn that moonlight-quill who owns the name on wp! I shall curse you until my throat is sore and dry...actually, that sounds like effort. I'll probably just leave it so.

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