Monday, January 13, 2014

Everybody (Uni's Back)

Well, it has been the first day back at college for the latest term. It's been a day of minor-heart attacks, mini bouts of optimism and some annoyance.

The minor heart-attack was in the shape of a presentation for Response to Empire module. I hate presentations! What's more, I can't join a group on the webpage where we are to join. Frustrating. I want a specific topic, so I want to join fast to ensure I get it. But once again, technology is not being my friend.

Luckily, I got my reading list for Modernism and it looks good!
Yeats. Pound. James. I'm in heaven!
As for my Post-colonialism Literature and Theory list. Not so much happiness with that. Although I have been meaning to read Midnight's Children by Rushdie for a while now. So, it's not all bad.

The annoyance came at the end of the day as I queued for the bus. Typically a crowd came swarming around me and I ended up being one of the last to actually board the bus. That resulted in me standing for a few stops. But then the 5ive's Megamix came on shuffle. That's guaranteed to get you in a good mood as much as this gem. (Anyone who has seen This Is The End should agree.)

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