Monday, January 13, 2014

Everybody (Uni's Back)

Well, it has been the first day back at college for the latest term. It's been a day of minor-heart attacks, mini bouts of optimism and some annoyance.

The minor heart-attack was in the shape of a presentation for Response to Empire module. I hate presentations! What's more, I can't join a group on the webpage where we are to join. Frustrating. I want a specific topic, so I want to join fast to ensure I get it. But once again, technology is not being my friend.

Luckily, I got my reading list for Modernism and it looks good!
Yeats. Pound. James. I'm in heaven!
As for my Post-colonialism Literature and Theory list. Not so much happiness with that. Although I have been meaning to read Midnight's Children by Rushdie for a while now. So, it's not all bad.

The annoyance came at the end of the day as I queued for the bus. Typically a crowd came swarming around me and I ended up being one of the last to actually board the bus. That resulted in me standing for a few stops. But then the 5ive's Megamix came on shuffle. That's guaranteed to get you in a good mood as much as this gem. (Anyone who has seen This Is The End should agree.)

Monday, January 6, 2014

"Clueing For Looks"

It’s nigh on impossible to shut my trap and not completely fangirl about how great The Sign of Three episode of Sherlock was last night.
I’m holding on and holding on until my American friends have watched. But after reading a lot of negative comments about the episode on Twitter last night, I am trying especially hard to tie my fingers and not go all mad spoilery. All I will say is, drunk Sherlock and Watson made my week!
Be gone, nay-sayers! If you don’t get or don’t enjoy the bromance, then you miss half the magic of the show. Detective shows are two-a-plenty, what makes Sherlock great is the friendship and the fun you can tell that all involve are having.

A Fare-de-well?

Remember the other day when I bad-mouthed Blogger and reminisced the good old days when I blogged on Wordpress? Well, I went straight over to Wordpress and set up a new blog over there.
I take back the praise. Wordpress has changed!
It still causes less server problems than Blogger, but, dear lord! you'd think I was trying to land on Mars for the rigamole I have trying to find a decent layout. Apparently a simple black with perhaps a touch of red or blue and a vertical column is more rare than Thor/Loki themed Converse (I'm on the look-out and shan't give up!) They're also charging money. Pfft! What do I look like, in my Penny's t-shirt, torn jeans (that weren't bought, seven years ago, torn) and glued-on sole of my battered Doc's? Someone who has a pot to piddle in? Nope, not me. Typical poor student here!
A basic black will have to suffice.
And I'll saunter off now, try to decide which blog I will let slide from now on; here or

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome 2014

A New Year, a new set of resolutions broken. Actually, no, strike that. No more resolutions. I got too tired of breaking them that I no longer start them. I think it's for the best.
I got my annual report from wordpress regarding my old blog. Apparently my writing has 'staying power.' Who knew? I sure didn't. I was surprised to see the report as I've not used that blog in years.
I miss it though. I miss those years. Granted, I was grossly unhappy and was in the midst of grieving for my brother. But I had Harry Potter and the fandom and that was deadly. And slightly embarrassing as I look back a see a lot was Harry related.
Crazy to look back. Look back and see what I achieved, what I didn't achieve, and what I no longer want to achieve.
I wonder what, in a few years, I make of this blog. It'll probably be 'Jeez! Did I ever use the damn thing?'
Truth be known, no offence Blogger (actually lots of offence, you're crap!) Wordpress was just better. My browse supported it, for starters. And layouts where easier to adapt for my own preference. Damn that moonlight-quill who owns the name on wp! I shall curse you until my throat is sore and dry...actually, that sounds like effort. I'll probably just leave it so.