Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Mischief Managed

Well I guess it is time to discuss Thor: The Dark World. It's been a week since I first watched it, and maybe this is a late review, but in all honesty I have been busy. Namely by going to see it three times already.

I say already because I'm not opposed to seeing it for a forth time. (c'mon, the DVD release is months away.) Obsessive much? Perhaps. Or perhaps everyone I know was just so eager to see it and knew I wouldn't say no.
I don't even know where to begin? It was wall to wall packed full of awesome. We laughed, we gasped, we clapped.
I was unfortunate enough to be spoiled by some bitch on twitter, and I am also aware that it's not out yet in the rest of the world, so I'm reluctant to say much about the actual plot.
I will, however, say that I am in two minds whether it is as good as or even better than the first one...no, I'm actually not, it out-stripes the first one for the reason: Loki.
While Thor was Thor's movie (obviously) The Dark World is Loki's. He is the passion, the heart and a good proportion of the humour. Behind me, beside me and in front of me, there was someone still giggling at a line or two of Loki's by the end of the film. My nine year old nephew's new catchphrase is "Ta-dah." Hell, it's mine now too :-)

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